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The Secrets of success is in Marketing Plan Show

10 nos Marketing plan per month Walk
15 nos Marketing plan per month Run
30 nos Marketing Plan per month Fly

Who is a right Prospect

1 Must have a big dreams but not having opportunity.
2 Must be frustrated in his present profession.
3 He is teachable.
4 Have got time to attend meetings and seminars.
5 He is like minded and excited.
6 Who is ready to spend on himself.

How to build a Leg

1 Sit with him. Connect eye ball to eye ball and help him to take the big decision of his life.
2 Build relation build business.
3 Find his dreams/ the pain/ the why they will build this business.
4 You need to make his list using memory jogger and/or from his mobile contact list book.
5 You invite for him using your phone.
6 Show the plan for him joining.
7 Do the follow up for him using your tools.
8 Help him sponsor 2 -3 people and get 2-3 Customers within next 30 days.
9 Transfer your believe to him.
10 Make him better then you.

Daily Activities of an Eagle FBO

1 He reads his goal card twice.
2 He maintains his planner.
3 He talks to new people.
4 He shows at least one marketing plan show.
5 He does a follow up.
6 He reads minimum 30 minutes.
7 He listens to a video.
8 He edifies some one.
9 Promotes next Seminar tickets.
10 He calls his up line and at least 3 down line leaders in 3 legs.
Learn - Do - Teach
Build it to believe it
Your are the architect of your own destiny
Build it as if your life depend on it
Winning starts with Beginning

WRB A Leadership Program...

Leaders are readers

To enroll Winners Recommended Book(WRB) program please contact your upline key leader
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